Pensions, Investments, Inheritance Tax and Life Assurance…
We provide a range of services from a general financial review to specialist reports on specific pension issues. We will help you plan your finances in the most tax efficient manner taking account of income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax, ensuring that you are making the most of every penny.
It is always important however not to let the tax “tail” wag the dog! So we will ensure that what we recommend you do is the most appropriate action in your own individual circumstances bearing in mind how cautious or speculative you would like to be and your level of financial resources.
On your right you will see the Supermarket platforms we often use for transacting investment business. Funds Supermarkets provide a very convenient way to view your funds all in one place. They also allow you to switch between funds at a fraction of the cost you would normally pay for selling one fund and then buying another.
If you are an exisitng client and we have already transferred your funds to a fund supermarket like CoFunds, Fidelity or Transact, you can register to view your holdings, even buy and sell and switch on line. Simply click on the appropriate icon and follow the instructions on-screen to register.